marvellous discord

Full games:

"One of the most interesting puzzles I've ever seen, the complexity of these simple mechanics left me astounded."
- Garry Kosparov

"The game is wet and watery and I felt right at home!"
- Michael Felps

"A game to surpass Metal Gear!"
- Hideo Kajima

"I didn't think it was possible to have such realist code with such realistic lore. The ending took me by surprise and I still don't know if I can deal with the consequences of my choices."
- Mark Zackerburg

"The simple terminal aesthethics were very soothing to me, and the game guided me in a strange journey through mathematics and problem-solving that inspired me to build my own computers."
- Lunus Torvalds

"At first, it felt like the functions were laughing at me. Now I know they have been laughing with me all along"
- Paul Erdüs

Game Jams:

"A true orgasmic experience at every phase. 8/10."
- Gamespat

"I cried of joy. 9/10."